Market Related Services

Market Research

Global Business Bureau defines, categorizes, and rates your current markets and customers profiles.

We help you identify the consumer trends of your customers including; price, quality, design, utility, customer service, company reputation, durability, appearance & which attributes are of the most important to your different consumer segments.

We will help you find out what customers think about your company–not just your products. There is more to your standing in the industry than sales rankings and the promotion of your image.

If you are planning to introduce new products, at Global Business Bureau, we will assist you in testing customers’ reactions to new products by getting their opinions. This can help you engineer and fine-tune a new product concept or abandon it before investing valuable time and money.

Advertising and public relations take time and money. Make sure time and money are well spent by getting feedback on effectiveness. Global Business Bureau can test for brand awareness, advertisement recall, or public opinion to formulate advertising and P.R. campaigns. Global Business Bureau excels at providing the information you need through the following market research techniques:

  • Consumer and retail surveys
  • Business-to-business surveys
  • Telephone, mail, Internet, in-person formats
  • Media awareness tracking
  • Interviewing industry experts
  • Focus groups
  • Identification and analysis of demographics
  • Data tabulation and statistical analysis
  • Primary and secondary research
  • Social media

Feasibility Studies

Besides an evaluation of your products, your market, and your potential, we will contact the right sources to find out if your concept will work. Often, feasibility studies are performed as validation of market potential for investment, expansion, or stock offerings; or done as part of due diligence.

Global Business Bureau typical feasibility study assignment may include:

  • Initial on-site research to collect economic data and indicators, market, prices, regulatory, technical and environmental data.
  • Field market research including surveys, customer interviews, data analysis, and internet research to assess market volume.
  • Formulation of technical options recommendations, including processes, organizational requirements, investigate site conditions, and supply of raw materials, utilities and interviews with stakeholder and sponsors.
  • Estimation of capital investment and pre-operating costs including the most effective financial model to ensure sustainability of business.
  • A Draft Report, workshop presentations to stakeholders and refinement of the project.
  • Final Report.